James Buchanan Crosser sits on the steps outside his duplex at 2280 Druid Park Drive, formerly 2280 Woodberry Avenue/Lane, the second unit in the row from this perspective (print of original donated by Crosser’s g-g-niece Carlin Otto; photographer unknown)
James Buchanon Crosser (1856-1914), married Nora Eddy Badger Crosser (1867-1926), and they had two daughters, Joy Wendel Crosser (1891-1979) and Bonnie Vera Crosser (1895-1957). The image was donated to the BCHS by Crosser’s great-great-niece, Carlin Otto, who informs that Crosser himself is sitting on the steps but the others in the photograph are unidentified.
Detail of 2280 Druid Park Drive, formerly 2280 Woodberry Avenue with James Buchanan Crosser seated at right
2280 Woodberry Ave AKA 2280 Druid Park sign detail
Park Hill neighborhood layout, March 15, 1910 (BALTIMORE CITY SUPERIOR COURT (Land Records)1911 SCL 2640, pp. 0316-0316a
[2 images] MSA CE 168-2648)
Advert for the new Park Hill neighborhood, a “5-cent fare suburban proposition,” from The Baltimore Sun of May 30, 1910 (https://www.newspapers.com/image/371743422)
James Buchanan Crosser died of poisoning after eating toadstools, The Baltimore Sun of September 21, 1914 (https://www.newspapers.com/image/214625384)